Between your computer, your tablet, and your smartphone, these days you’re probably spending more and more time staring at screens. You’ve seen those special computer glasses, but you can’t help but wonder: Do they really make any difference? Are they worth a second look?
According to the Vision Council, more than two thirds of us suffer from Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The cause is too much time in front of digital screens, and the symptoms include dry or red eyes, blurred vision, eye twitches, fatigue, headaches, and even back and neck pain.
Taking frequent breaks can help alleviate CVS. But experts agree: A pair of computer glasses is a wise investment that can greatly enhance the quality of your screen time. Here’s why:
Of Glaring Concern
Light bouncing off the glass of your digital screen can create a glaring obstacle to proper vision. Reflected light increases the difference between the light and dark areas of the screen, causing our pupils to struggle to keep up, dilating open and close, until eventually our eyes protest. Computer glasses feature a special coating designed to keep fatiguing screen glare at a minimum.
Focusing In
Most prescription eyewear corrects either near or far vision. Reading glasses are designed for close work. Unfortunately, most of us position our computer screens in an intermediate zone about two feet in front of us. Then we compound the problem by glancing back and forth between close paperwork and the intermediate distance of our screens. And since our eyes aren’t as young and strong as they used to be, is it any wonder our vision gets blurry and headachy? A good pair of computer glasses can help keep you focused in the zone — the intermediate zone that’s easiest on your eyes.
Posture Perfect
Many of us try to compensate for less than perfect mid-range vision by leaning forward in our chairs. We also crane our necks back so we can see the tops of our screens through the bottoms of our prescription or reader bifocals. These ocular gymnastics can be a literal pain in the neck. Sound familiar? If the answer is yes, a pair of computer glasses may definitely be worth a try.
Try Teddith Blue Blocking Glasses today!